My Blog about Game Design, Level Design, Unity 3D and general Game Development
Bi-ing Myself At Work – How It Took Me 13 Years To Be Fully Out In All Work Contexts
At first, it was the toxicity within the GameDev and wider Gamer community, (not that I’d necessarily fear Gamer Gate style repercussions by “Fans”, but more the signals implicitly sent via the lackluster response and support for those affected by some companies) then internalized biphobia and “questions of propriety” that held me back from bringing…
7 Day Level Design Challenge No.1 – Playground – Download and Play
Download and Play The 7 days are done and here is the resulting level, just download and play! After downloading and extracting you can start the game by looking for ShooterGame.exe in WindowsNoEditor\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win32\. Update: If you get missing .dll notifications, you might also need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. (you might…
Days 4-6 Details, Foliage, Texturing, Lighting and Invisible Walls in UE4
I decided to ditch daily blog posts, they took to much time, so I’ll give you a recap of the last 3 days. I also strayed from the steps I outlined in the timeline as i ran into multiple engine issues I had to deal with. As such, instead of modelling the monument in more detail,…
Days 2 & 3 – Map Layout and BSP Grey-box modelling in Unreal Engine 4
Time to show the progress on the map layout! Note: Due to website issues I couldn’t post the updates for day 2 & 3 yet. (I did post them to the World of Level Design forums, FB and partially to twitter though.) It’s time to make up for that now. Targeted Gameplay After the research…
Day 1 – Getting to know Unreal Engine 4
Today I’ve been fiddling around with the Unreal Engine 4, trying the demos, watching videos, toying around in the editor and setting up a test scene. So far it looks like I can go ahead towards a multiplayer by modding the ShooterGame example, hopefully even as a standalone. That is, if I can figure out…
7 Day Level Design Challenge – Kickoff
Ever since I’ve read How to create a map in 11 Days by Alex Galuzin I’ve wanted to do a self imposed level design challenge on my own. I’ve finally found the time for it, albeit not 11 days but only 7 (maybe 14, as a freelancer, you never quite know for certain.) What’s a…
The Rule of Three for Level Design
The Rule of Three The Rule of Three states: To break a pattern, you need to have at least three elements. Origin The Rule of Three is a writing or comedy principle that describes the most condensed formula for breaking patterns. As such it is not only applicable to writing or comedy, where it originated,…
Got any book recommendations?